Even when I was at 5, I5 or 50K love I was as happy and as grateful as I am today I truly truly truly believe that our lives are made up of the relationships we cultivate with people and most importantly OURSELVESno one has the right to make you feel any lesser or greater by the touch of a button So as I said, today is appreciation day Ok lets see if the positive thread can keep going as long as the I know no one will care plus Ive got to beat @noworriesmate at something So I will start Today I am happy because I am alive My youngest started helping out at the local mechanics and loved it I I am happy right now, and I would not get here if you were not there for me, so thank you I want to shout to the whole world that I am happy because I decided that I would become satisfied, and so I strived for this and worked hard for it, and now here I am Nothing is impossible to the person that wants it;
I M Very Happy Today Because The My Life Is Beautifull My Sentence Is Right Hinative
I am so happy because today is my birthday image